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Goals and Outcomes

The 2021-2026 Strategic Plan has been built to help us maintain focus on our vision and mission with every decision we make.

The  Goals are the "how" and Outcomes are the "what" in our Strategic Plan. The Goals and Outcomes are the roadmap to measuring the success of the district and the metrics used to ensure that the vision and mission of the district are met. The targets we set for 2026 were informed by several key partners - students, parents, classified and certificated staff, union leaders, administrators, members of the School Board of Education, local business owners, representatives of faith communities and local colleges, and community leaders. 

Goals and Outcomes

Teacher and student engaging in the classroom

Goal 1: Promote academic growth for every student.

  • Improve the Distance From Standard (DFS) in grades 3-8 and 11 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) English Language Arts (ELA) and Math by 10% of the DFS.
  • Decrease the Learning Loss percentage by 10% as measured by the first grading period compared to the last grading period. 
  • Increase the status of the English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) by 2% annually.

Goal 2: Establish college and career readiness for every student.

  • Progressively increase the A-G course completion rate to 65% with an emphasis on African American, Hispanic, English Learner and Special Education student groups.
  • Attain a 50% Advanced Placement (AP) qualifying score rate of 3+ for all participating  students with an emphasis on African American and Hispanic students.
  • Increase the High School Readiness indicator by 10% annually.

Goal 3: Ensure equitable opportunities for every student.

  • Progressively increase high school graduation rates to 100% for all students with an emphasis on African American, Hispanic English Learner and Special Education student groups as measured by the California School Dashboard.
  • Increase English Learners’ reclassification rate by 2% annually.
  • Attain a 85% FAFSA Completion Rate.
  • Decrease high school dropout rate by 2% annually with an emphasis on African, Hispanic, English Learner and Special Education student groups.

Goal 4: Provide a safe, welcoming, respectful and rigorous learning environment for every member of the school community.

  •  Decrease high school dropout rate by 2% annually with an emphasis on African American, Hispanic, English Learner and Special Education student groups.
  • Decrease suspension rate for Foster Youth and African American students by 2% annually
  • Meet or exceed 95% attendance rate for all students
  • Decrease chronic absenteeism for all students by 2% annually.

parents walking and waving

Goal 5: Support effective communication throughout the district. 

  • 95% of parents/guardians actively access Q Parent Connection Portal 
  • Increase the percent of parents/guardians that are meeting the 5 annual hours of parent engagement by the 5% annually.